Our CBD infusion serum reacts with natural endocannabinoid receptors in the skin

CBD is a powerful antioxidant
We infuse the skin by calming inflammation with 3000 mg of CBD. We also infuse antioxidants and vitamins. This increases the firmness of the skin and slows the aging process. This treatment safely and effectively promotes collagen and fibroblast activity. CBD infusion for the skin decreases overly active sebum production for oily skin and acts as an antimicrobial. CBD is a powerful antioxidant (stronger and more effective than any vitamin C) so it protects against UV damage and other environmental damages.
Our CBD infusion serum reacts with natural endocannabinoid receptors in the skin (CB1/CB2) to balance skin and increase basal cell longevity (key to slowing skin aging). It is a powerful anti-inflammatory; reduces redness, prevents/treats wrinkles, heals/prevents acne, excema and psoriasis.
High in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, which creates smooth, moist and supple skin
$300 per treatment (nano infusion)
$1300/package of 5
$350 per treatment used in conjunction with microneedling
$1500/package of 5 with microneedling