This peel is a pharmaceutical grade medium to deep chemical peel with minimal down time.

The Jessner is designed to be aggressive and targets hyperpigmentation from the sun

This peel is a pharmaceutical grade medium to deep chemical peel with minimal down time.

Suitable for most people whether they are peeling for the first time or using peels as a maintenance program. You will get your best results when you combine the Jessner with a pharmaceutical grade skincare system that delivers visible results.

Whether you are looking to improve skin texture and soften fine lines, diminish pigmentation or decrease acne, combining the Jessner Peels with a Vivier Skincare Kit, you will get closer to your goal of beautiful skin.

The Jessner Peel includes 14% lactic,14% salicylic and 14% resorcinal in one. The Jessner is designed to be aggressive and targets hyperpigmentation from the sun, minimizes fine lines, aids in dissipating blemishes, evens out skin texture and tone and minimizes pore size.


$170 per treatment
$750/package of 5